Our research

Alphalyse is the world's leading expert in host cell protein analysis by mass spectrometry. We have been at the forefront of protein analysis research for over two decades - science comes first in everything we do.

Our goal is to support the development of superior biologics through better analytics. Our research on drug product characterization and protein impurity analysis by mass spectrometry provides biopharmaceutical developers with a comprehensive understanding of their therapeutics, improving drug quality and patient safety.

Research and collaboration partners

Collaborations with clients

Alphalyse is a global leader in protein analysis by mass spectrometry. Our research focuses on solving pressing analytical challenges in the biopharmaceutical industry.

By prioritizing client collaborations, we ensure that our research meets real-world needs. Our work spans therapeutic protein characterization, impurity identification and quantification, and HCP coverage analysis, to support drug development processes and improve therapeutic outcomes.

Our client collaborations have resulted in the world's first GMP-compliant MS-based HCP analysis for release testing.

Client collaboration is essential at Alphalyse
Research at Alphalyse

EU and DK funded innovation

Since 2014, Alphalyse has received €1.4M in funding from Innovation Fund Denmark, the Market Development Fund, and Eurostars for development of novel HCP analysis by mass spectrometry, methods for validation, and high-throughput antibody characterization.

These projects have been conducted in collaboration with the Protein Research Group at the University of Southern Denmark,  and biotherapeutics developers in Europe and the USA.

Non-profit organization partnerships

Alphalyse is proud to collaborate with several non-profit organizations, including the US Pharmacopeia, the Biopharmaceutical Emerging Best Practices Association (BEBPA), and Life Science Fyn.

These collaborations provide platforms for Alphalyse to share research results and contribute insights in support of broader efforts to improve drug product quality, efficacy, safety, and overall industry standards for the benefit of patients and the biopharmaceutical community.

BEBPA and USP lgoos

Academic research

Alphalyse has a long-standing tradition of working with leading university institutions to bridge the gap between cutting-edge academic research and real-world industry applications.

Together with the University of Southern Denmark, Alphalyse offers student internships, BSc and MSc thesis projects, and PhD programs that give researchers and students hands-on experience with advanced protein analysis techniques, drive scientific breakthroughs, and educate the next generation of proteomics experts.

Scientific contributions


Peer-reviewed articles




Client patents

20 years of innovation

Scientific milestones of Alphalyse

Our protein analysis research

Since 2002, Alphalyse has been a pioneer in advanced protein analytics, continuously refining techniques and developing innovative methods to meet the evolving needs of the biopharmaceutical industry.

Our research has contributed to shaping mass spectrometry-based analysis of biologics and residual impurities. Find our most referenced publications below.

Paper: HCP Coverage by Immunocapture and LC-MS/MS

Poster: Sensitive MS-assay for detecting polysorbate-degrading HCPs in mAbs

Paper: Monitoring process-related impurities in biologics - HCP analysis

Poster: ID & quantify individual HCPs using SWATH® LC-MS

Protocol: Silver staining of gels optimized for LC-MS protein identification

The Alphalyse HCP database

We have access to our own unique database containing information on all HCPs we have identified in client samples of recombinant
proteins, mAbs, vaccines, and gene therapy products, from every stage of development and manufacturing.


Total HCPs


Unique HCPs


Total ions


Total peptides


Unique samples



Peer-reviewed papers with data from Alphalyse

K Pilely, SB. Nielsen, A Draborg ML. Henriksen, SWK Hansen, L Skriver, E Mørtz, RR Lund

A novel approach to evaluate ELISA antibody coverage of host cell proteins—combining ELISAbased immunocapture and mass spectrometry

Biotechnology Process, February 2020


la Cour JM, Mollerup J, Berchtold MW.

ALG-2 oscillates in subcellular localization, unitemporally with calcium oscillations.

Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2007 Feb 23;353(4):1063-7. Epub 2006 Dec 27.


V Eckardt, MC Miller, X Blanchet, R Duan, J Leberzammer, et. al.

Chemokines and galectins form heterodimers to modulate inflammation

EMBO Rep e47852, February 2020


Søren Heissel, Jakob Bunkenborg, Max Per Kristiansen, Anne Fich Holmbjerg, Marie Grimstrup, Ejvind Mørtz, Thomas Kofoed, Peter Højrup

Evaluation of spectral libraries and sample preparation for DIA-LC-MS analysis of host cell proteins: A case study of a bacterially expressed recombinant biopharmaceutical protein

Protein Expression and Purification Volume 147, July 2018, Pages 69–77


Martina Bielaszewska, Christian Rüter, Andreas Bauwens, Lilo Greune, Kevin-André Jarosch, Daniel Steil, Wenlan Zhang, Xiaohua He, Roland Lloubes, Angelika Fruth, Kwang Sik Kim, M. Alexander Schmidt, Ulrich Dobrindt, Alexander Mellmann, Helge Karch

Host cell interactions of outer membrane vesicle-associated virulence factors of enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157: Intracellular delivery, trafficking and mechanisms of cell injury

PLOS Pathogens, February 2017


K Pilely, MR. Johansen, RR Lund, T Kofoed, TK Jørgensen, L Skriver, E Mørtz

Monitoring process-related impurities in biologics – host cell protein analysis

Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, September 2021


C.B.Petersen, A.-B. Nygård, B. Viuff, M. Fredholm, B. Aasted and J. Salomonsen

Porcine ecto-nucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase 1: Cloning, transcription, expression, mapping and identification of an NPP1/CD203a epitope for swine workshop cluster p monoclonal antibodies.

Developmental & Comparative Immunology, 6, (2007), 618-631

Casper Normann Nurup, Tamás László Czárán, Fergal P. Rattray

A chromatographic approach to understanding the plasmin-plasminogen system in acid whey

International Dairy Journal, March 2020


Linda D. Hicks, Rahul Raghavan, James M. Battisti, Michael F. Minnick

A DNA-binding peroxiredoxin of Coxiella burnetii is involved in countering oxidative stress during exponential-phase growth

Bacteriol, April 2010, 192(8), pp. 2077-84


Rohit Ruhala, Henrik Anttia, Olena Rzhepishevskaa, Nicolas Boulangerb, David R. Barberob, Sun Nyunt Waic, Bernt Eric Uhlinc, Madeleine Ramstedt

A multivariate approach to correlate bacterial surface properties to biofilm formation by lipopolysaccharide mutants of Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, Volume 127, Pages 182–191, March 2015


Song T, Mika F, Lindmark B, Liu Z, Schild S, Bishop A, Zhu J, Camilli A, Johansson J, Vogel J, Wai SN

A new Vibrio cholerae sRNA modulates colonization and affects release of outer membrane vesicles

Mol Microbiol., October 2008; 70(1)


Karina Juhl Rasmussena, Mikkel-Ole Skjoedtb, Lars Vitveda, Karsten Skjoedta, Yaseelan Palarasahc

A novel antihuman C3d monoclonal antibody with specificity to the C3d complement split product

Journal of Immunological Methods Volume 444, May 2017, Pages 51–55


Susanne Erdmann, Bo Chen, Xiaoxing Huang, et al.

A novel single-tailed fusiform Sulfolobus virus STSV2 infecting model Sulfolobus species

Extremophiles, October 2013, Vol. 18, Issue 1, pp. 51-60


Bullock, T. L., Rodríguez-Hernández, A., Corigliano, E. M., & Perona, J. J.

A rationally engineered misacylating aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase

PNAS, May 27, 2008, vol. 105, no. 21, 7428-7433


Ji-Young Kim, Taraswi Banerjee, Aurimas Vinckevicius, Qianyi Luo, J. Brandon Parker, Mairead R. Baker, Ishwar Radhakrishnan, Jian-Jun Wei, Grant D. Barish, Debabrata Chakravarti

A Role for WDR5 in Integrating 11 Phosphorylation to Lysine 4 Methylation on Histone H3 during Androgen Signaling and in Prostate Cancer

Molecular Cell, May 2014


Katrine Pilely Hansen, Mikkel-Ole Skjoedt, Christian Nielsen, Thomas Emil Andersen, Anne Åbom, Lars Vitved, Claus Koch, Karsten Skjødt, Yaseelan Palarasah

A specific assay for quantification of human C4c by use of an anti-C4c monoclonal antibody

Journal of Immunological Methods, January 2014


Luisa Bermúdez, Talía del Pozo, Bruno Silvestre Lira, Fabiana de Godoy, Irene Boos, Cecilia Romanó et al.

A Tomato Tocopherol Binding Protein Sheds Light on Intracellular α-tocopherol Metabolism in Plants

Plant and Cell Physiology, pcy191, September 2018


James M. Battisti, Linda D. Hicks, Michael F. Minnick

A unique Coxiella burnetii lipoprotein involved in metal binding (LimB)

Microbiology, 2011, vol. 157, pp. 966-976


Susanne Erdmann, Urte Scheele, Roger A. Garrett

AAA ATPase p529 of Acidianus two-tailed virus ATV and host receptor recognition

Virology, December 2011, Vol. 421, Issue 1, pp. 61-66


Eisuke Murakami, Haiying Bao, Ralph T. Mosley, Jinfa Du, Michael J. Sofia, Phillip A. Furman

Adenosine Deaminase-like Protein 1 (ADAL1): Characterization and Substrate Specificity in the Hydrolysis of N6- or O6-Substituted Purine or 2-Aminopurine Nucleoside Monophosphates

Med. Chem., 2011, 54 (16), pp. 5902–5914


Linda Tancred, Maxim V. Telepnev, Igor Golovlev, Blanka Andersson, Henrik Andersson, Helena Lindgren, Anders Sjostedt

Administration of a donor of nitric oxide inhibits mglA expression of intracellular Francisella tularensis and counteracts phagosomal escape and subversion of TNF-alpha secretion

J Med Microbiol, June 2011


Wørzner, J. Hvannastein, S.T. Schmidt, C. Foged, I. Rosenkrands, G. K. Pedersen, D. Christensen

Adsorption of protein antigen to the cationic liposome adjuvant CAF®01 is required for induction of Th1 and Th17 responses but not for antibody induction

European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, Volume 165, 2021, Pages 293-305, May 2021


Tobias Kromann-Hansen, Ida K. Lund, Zhuo Liu, et al.

Allosteric Inactivation of a Trypsin-Like Serine Protease by An Antibody Binding to the 37- and 70-Loops

ACS Publications Biochemistry, 2013


Stine N. Clemmensen, Lars C. Jacobsen, Sara Rørvig, Bjarke Askaa, Karin Christenson, Martin Iversen, Marianne H. Jørgensen, Maria T. Larsen, Bo van Deurs, Ole Østergaard, Niels H. Heegaard, Jack B. Cowland, Niels Borregaard

Alpha-1-antitrypsin is produced by human neutrophil granulocytes and their precursors and liberated during granule exocytosis

European Journal of Haematology, June 2011, vol. 86, Issue 6, pp. 517–530


Karina Krotova, George W. Marek, Rejean L. Wang, George Aslanidi, Brad E. Hoffman, Nazli Khodayari, Farshid N. Rouhani & Mark L. Brantly

Alpha1-antitrypsin–deficient Macrophages Have Increased Matriptase-mediated Proteolytic Activity

American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology, March 2017


Gert H. Hansen, Esben D. K. Pedersen, Lissi Immerdal, Lise-Lotte Niels-Christiansen, and E. Michael Danielsen

Anti-glycosyl antibodies in lipid rafts of the enterocyte brush border: a possible host defense against pathogens

Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol, 2005, 289(6), 1100-1107


Jan Platenik, Vladimir J. Balcar, Yukio Yoneda, Barbara Mioduszewska, Richard Buchal, Radovan Hynek, Lukasz Kilianek, Nobuyuki Kuramoto, Grzegorz Ilczynski, Kiyokazu Ogita, Yoichi Nakamura, Leszek Kaczmarek

Apparent presence of Ser133-phosphorylated cyclic AMP response element binding protein (pCREB) in brain mitochondria is due to cross-reactivity of pCREB antibodies with pyruvate dehydrogenase

Journal of Neurochemistry, 2005, 95, 1446–1460


Juliane Kühn, Ariane Briegel, Erhard Mörschel, Jörg Kahnt, Katja Leser, Stephanie Wick, Grant J Jensen, Martin Thanbichler

Bactofilins, a ubiquitous class of cytoskeletal proteins mediating polar localization of a cell wall synthase in Caulobacter crescentus

The EMBO Journal, 2010, 29, pp. 327-339


Pseudomonas Evades Immune Recognition of Flagellin in Both Mammals and Plants

Bart W. Bardoel, Sjoerd van der Ent, Michiel J. C. Pel, Jan Tommassen, Corné M. J. Pieterse, Kok P. M. van Kessel, Jos A. G. van Strijp

PLoS Pathog 7(8), August 2011


Saeid Karkehabadi, Kate E. Helmich, Thijs Kaper, Henrik Hansson, Nils Egil Mikkelsen, Mikael Gudmundsson, Kathleen Piens, Meredith Fujdala, Goutami Banerjee, John S. Scott-Craig, Jonathan D. Walton, George N. Phillips Jr., Mats Sandgren

Biochemical Characterization and Crystal Structures of a Fungal Family 3 β-Glucosidase, Cel3A from Hypocrea jecorina

The Journal of Biological Chemistry, August 2014


Johanne Mørch Jensen, Fie C. Simonsen, Amir Mastali, et al.

Biophysical characterization of the proton-coupled oligopeptide transporter YjdL

Peptides, 2012


J Albrethsen, R Bøgebo, CH Møller, J Olsen

Candidate biomarker verification: critical examination of a serum protein pattern for human colorectal cancer

PROTEOMICS – Clinical Applications Volume 6, Issue 3-4, pages 182–189, April 2012


Björn Alriksson, Shaunita H. Rose, Willem H. van Zyl, Anders Sjöde, Nils-Olof Nilvebrant, Leif J. Jönsson

Cellulase Production from Spent Lignocellulose Hydrolysates by Recombinant Aspergillus niger

Applied and Environmental Microbiology, April 2009, p. 2366-2374, Vol. 75, No. 8


Roussel-Jazédé, V., Van Gelder, P., Sijbrandi, R., Rutten, L., Otto, B. R., Luirink, J., Gros, P., Tommassen, J., & Van Ulsen, P.

Channel properties of the translocator domain of the autotransporter Hbp of Escherichia coli

Molecular Membrane Biology, April 2011, Vol. 28, No. 3, Pages 158-170 (doi:10.3109/09687688.2010.550328)


Magdalena Widgren Sandberg, Jakob Bunkenborg, Stine Thyssen, Martin Villadsen, Thomas Kofoed

Characterization of a novel +70 Da modification in rhGM-CSF expressed in E. coli using chemical assays in combination with mass spectrometry

Amino Acids, August 2021


Marina G. Kalyuzhnaya, Krassimira R. Hristova, Mary E. Lidstrom, and Ludmila Chistoserdova

Characterization of a Novel Methanol Dehydrogenase in Representatives of Burkholderiales: Implications for Environmental Detection of Methylotrophy and Evidence for Convergent Evolution

Journal of Bacteriology, June 2008, pp. 3817-3823


Oriana Flores, Jennifer Alcaíno, María Fernandez-Lobato, Víctor Cifuentes, Marcelo Baeza

Characterization of virus-like particles and identification of capsid proteins in Xanthophyllomyces dendrorhous

Virus Genes, Volume 50, Issue 2, pp 253-259, April 2015


Ana R. Cabrera, Kevin V. Donohue, Sayed M.S. Khalila, Daniel E. Sonenshine, R. Michael Roe

Characterization of vitellin protein in the twospotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae

Journal of Insect Physiology, Volume 55, Issue 7, July 2009, Pages 655-661


Sækmose, S. G., Holst, R., Lottenburger, T., Ytting, H., Nielsen, H. J., Junker, P., Schlosser, A., & Sorensen, G. L.

Circadian, Week-to-Week, and Physical Exercise-Induced Variation of Serum Microfibrillar-Associated Protein 4

Biomarker Insights, vol. 16, May 2021


Girdhari M. Sharma, Andre Irsigler, Pushparani Dhanarajan, Rosalia Ayuso, Luda Bardina, Hugh A. Sampson, Kenneth H. Roux, Shridhar K. Sathe

Cloning and Characterization of 2S Albumin, Car i 1, a Major Allergen in Pecan

Agric. Food Chem., 2011, 59


Girdhari M. Sharma, Andre Irsigler, Pushparani Dhanarajan, Rosalia Ayuso, Luda Bardina, Hugh A. Sampson, Kenneth H. Roux, Shridhar K. Sathe

Cloning and Characterization of an 11S Legumin, Car i 4, a Major Allergen in Pecan

Agric. Food Chem., 2011, 59 (17), pp. 9542–9552


Darrin Kuystermans, Mohamed Al-Rubeai

cMyc increases cell number through uncoupling of cell division from cell size in CHO cells

BMC Biotechnology, 2009, 9:76


David S. Gibsona, Sarah Blelocka, Jim Currya, Sorcha Finnegana, Adrienne Healya, Caitriona Scaifeb, Catherine McAllistera, Stephen Penningtonb, Michael Dunnb, Madeleine Rooneya

Comparative analysis of synovial fluid and plasma proteomes in juvenile arthritis – Proteomic patterns of joint inflammation in early-stage disease

Journal of Proteomics, May 2009, Vol. 72, Issue 4, pp. 656-676


Alireza Shahriary, Hossein Mehrani, Mostafa Ghaneim, Shahram Parvin

Comparative proteome analysis of peripheral neutrophils from sulfur mustard-exposed and COPD patients

Journal of Immunotoxicology, May 2014


Nouhi, S., Kwaambwa, H. M., Gutfreund, P., et al.

Comparative study of flocculation and adsorption behaviour of water treatment proteins from Moringa peregrina and Moringa oleifera seeds

Sci Rep, 9, 17945, November 2019


Patrick Oeckl, Petra Steinacker, Markus Otto

Comparison of internal standard approaches for SRM analysis of alpha-synuclein in cerebrospinal fluid

Journal of Proteome Research, November 2017


Hoffmann, A., Neumann, P., Schierhorn, A., & Stubbs, M. T.

Crystallization of Spätzle, a cystine-knot protein involved in embryonic development and innate immunity in Drosophila melanogaster

Acta Cryst., 2008, F64, 707-710


Anil Koul, Luc Vranckx, Neeraj Dhar, Hinrich W.H. Göhlmann, Emre Özdemir, Jean-Marc Neefs, Melanie Schulz, Ping Lu, Ejvind Mørtz, John D. McKinney, Koen Andries & Dirk Bald

Delayed bactericidal response of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to bedaquiline involves remodelling of bacterial metabolism

Nature Communications, February 2014


Ian Gaël Rodrigue-Gervais, Hawley Rigsby, Loubna Jouan, Dominike Sauvé, Rafick-Pierre Sékaly, Bernard Willems, Daniel Lamarre

Dendritic Cell Inhibition Is Connected to Exhaustion of CD8+ T Cell Polyfunctionality during Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Infection

The Journal of Immunology, 2010, 184


Liu, G., Sil, D., Tong, W. H., Maio, N., Bollinger Jr, J. M., Krebs, C., & Roualult, T. A.

Dependence of heme biosynthesis on iron-sulfur cluster biogenesis: human ALAD is an unrecognized iron-sulfur protein

Nature Research, July 2020


Nelson, C. D. S., Minkkinen, E., Bergkvist, M., Hoelzer, K., Fisher, M., Bothner, B., & Parrish, C. R.

Detecting Small Changes and Additional Peptides in the Canine Parvovirus Capsid Structure

J Virol, 2008, Nov;82(21):10397-407 Epub 2008 Aug 13.


Koruzaa, B. Lafumata, Á. Végvárib, W. Knechta, S.Z. Fishera

Deuteration of human carbonic anhydrase for neutron crystallography: Cell culture media, protein thermostability, and crystallization behaviour

Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, March 2018


Albrethsen, J., Frederiksen, H., Andersson, A. M., Anand-Ivell, R., Nordkap, L., Bang, A. K., Jørgensen, N., Juul, A.

Development and validation of a mass spectrometry-based assay for quantification of insulin-like factor 3 in human serum

Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (CCLM), doi: 10.1515/cclm-2018-0171. [Epub ahead of print], May 2018


J.L. Andersen, B. Gesser, E.D. Funder, C.J.F. Nielsen, H. Gotfred-Rasmussen, M.K. Rasmussen, et al.

Dimethyl fumarate is an allosteric covalent inhibitor of the p90 ribosomal S6 kinases

Nature Communications, volume 9, Article number: 4344, October 2018


Sampson, Jelena Zaitseva, Maria Stauffer, Brian Vande Berg, Rong Guo, Daniel Tomso, Brian McNulty, Nalini Desai, Deepa Balasubramanian

Discovery of a novel insecticidal protein from Chromobacterium piscinae, with activity against Western Corn Rootworm, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera

Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, October 2016


Sheila Maibom-Thomsen, Søren Heissel, Ejvind Mørtz, Peter Højrup, Jakob Bunkenborg

Discrimination of Isoleucine and Leucine by Dimethylation-Assisted MS3

Analytical Chemistry, 2018, 90 (15), 9055-9059, August 2018


Ugarte-Berzal, E. Martens, L. Boon, J. Vandooren, D. Blockmans, P. Proost, G. Opdenakker

EDTA/gelatin zymography method to identify C1s versus activated MMP9 in plasma and immune complexes of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus

Cell Mol. Med., September 2008


Maryam Hassan, Dag Anders Brede, Dzung B. Diep, Ingolf F. Nes, Farzaneh Lotfipour, Zoya Hojabri

Efficient Inactivation of Multi-Antibiotics Resistant Nosocomial Enterococci by Purified Hiracin Bacteriocin

Advanced Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 5(3), 393-401, September 2015


Julia Garbe, Jonathan Sjögren, Eoin F. J. Cosgrave, Weston B. Struwe, Marta Bober, Anders I. Olin, Pauline M. Rudd, Mattias Collin

EndoE from Enterococcus faecalis Hydrolyzes the Glycans of the Biofilm Inhibiting Protein Lactoferrin and Mediates Growth

PLoS ONE, March 2014


Kathrin Mutze, Sarah Vierkotten, Jadranka Milosevic, Oliver Eickelberg, Melanie Königshoff

Enolase 1 (ENO1) and protein disulfide-isomerase associated 3 (PDIA3) regulate Wnt/β-catenin-driven trans-differentiation of murine alveolar epithelial cells

Disease Models and Mechanisms, 8: 877-890, May 2015


Mahdi Ghavami, Takehiko Shiraishi, Peter E. Nielsen

Enzyme-Triggered Release of the Antisense Octaarginine-PNA Conjugate from Phospholipase A2 Sensitive Liposomes

ACS Appl. Bio Mater., Volume 3, Issue 2, January 2020


Salganik, M., Venkatakrishnan, B., Bennett, A., Lins, B., Yarbrough, J., Muzyczka, N., Agbandje-McKenna, M., & McKenna, R.

Evidence for pH Dependent Protease Activity in the Adeno-associated Virus Capsid

Journal of Virology, 2012


Tu Anh Nguyen, Jamie Greig, Asif Khan, Cara Goh, Gregory Jedd

Evolutionary novelty in gravity sensing through horizontal gene transfer and high-order protein assembly

PLOS Biology, April 2018


S.M. Schenstrøm, C.A. Rebula, M.H. Tatham et al.

Expanded Interactome of the Intrinsically Disordered Protein Dss1

Cell Reports, Volume 25, Issue 4, October 2018


Magda E. Alvarado, Claudia Rubiano, Eliana Calvo, Vanessa Gómez & Moisés Wasserman

Experimental and bioinformatic characterization of CaBP2933 an EF-Hand protein of Giardia intestinalis

Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology, March 2017


Tanya Jelacic, Donald Chabot, Joel Bozue, Steven Tobery, Michael West, Krishna Moody, De Yang, Joost Oppenheim, Arthur Friedlander

Exposure to Bacillus anthracis capsule results in suppression of human monocyte-derived dendritic cells

American Society for Microbiology, June 2014


Julia L. Cook, Akannsha Singh, Dawn deHaro, Jawed Alam, Richard N Re

Expression of a Naturally-Occurring Angiotensin AT1 Receptor Cleavage Fragment Elicits Caspase-Activation and Apoptosis

Am J Physiol Cell Physiol, August 2011


Irina Kalbina, Lars Engstrand, Sören Andersson, Åke Strid

Expression of Helicobacter pylori TonB Protein in Transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana: Toward Production of Vaccine Antigens in Plants

Helicobacter, 2010, Vol. 15, Issue 5, pp. 430–437


Sørensen HP, Jacobsen J, Nielbo S, Poulsen FM, Wewer UM

Expression, purification and insights into structure and folding of the ADAM22 pro domain

Protein Expr Purif., October 2008, 61(2):175-83. Epub 2008 Jun 13


Shigeki Suzukia, Ashok B. Kulkarni

Extracellular heat shock protein HSP90β secreted by MG63 osteosarcoma cells inhibits activation of latent TGF-β1

Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications


Kojima, Y. Machida, S. Palani et al.

FAM111A protects replication forks from protein obstacles via its trypsin-like domain

Nature Communications, volume 11, Article number: 1318, March 2020


Chai, S. C., Wang, W. L., & Ye, Q. Z.

FE(II) Is the Native Cofactor for Escherichia coli Methionine Aminopeptidase

Biol. Chem., Vol. 283, Issue 40, 26879-26885, October 3, 2008


Balajikarthick Subramanian, Justin Chun, Chandra Perez-Gill, Paul Yan, Isaac E. Stillman, Henry N. Higgs, Seth L. Alper, Johannes S. Schlöndorff, Martin R. Pollak

FSGS-Causing INF2 Mutation Impairs Cleaved INF2 N-Fragment Functions in Podocytes

Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, Vol. 31, Issue 2, February 2020


Martha Kampp Thomsen, Gert H. Hansen, Michael Danielsen

Galectin-2 at the enterocyte brush border of the small intestine

Molecular Membrane Biology, July 2009, Vol. 26, Issue 5, pp. 347-355


de Miranda, J. R., Dainat, B., Locke, B., Cordoni, G., Berthoud, H., Gauthier, L., Neumann, P., Budge, G. E., Ball, B. V., & Stoltz, D. B.

Genetic characterization of slow bee paralysis virus of the honeybee (Apis mellifera L.)

J Gen Virol, 2010, 91, 2524-2530


Bozhokina, E., Khaitlina, S., & Adam, T.

Grimelysin, a novel metalloprotease from Serratia grimesii, is similar to ECP32

Biochem Biophys Res Commun., 2008, Mar 21;367(4):888-92. Epub 2008 Jan 9.


Yu-Ching Su, Farshid Jalalvand, Matthias Mörgelin, et al.

Haemophilus influenzae acquires vitronectin via the ubiquitous Protein F to subvert host innate immunity

Molecular Microbiology, 2013


Kutlara, L.M. Hilliardb, L. Zhuanga, N. Patela, B. Erogluc, S.E. Meilerd, H. Carmichaela, R.B. Russelle, A. Kutlara

Hb M Dothan [ß 25/26 (B7/B8)/(GGT/GAG?GAG//Gly/Glu?Glu]; a new mechanism of unstable methemoglobin variant and molecular characteristics

Blood Cells, Molecules, and Diseases, November-December 2009, Vol. 43, Issue 3, Pp. 235-238


Liu, G., Sil, D., Maio, N., et al.

Heme biosynthesis depends on previously unrecognized acquisition of iron-sulfur cofactors in human amino-levulinic acid dehydratase

Nature Communications, volume 11, 6310, December 2020


Trana, T., Büscherc, P., Vandenbussched, G., Wynsa, L., Messensa, J., & De Grevea, H.

Heterologous expression, purification and characterisation of the extracellular domain of trypanosome invariant surface glycoprotein ISG75

Journal of Biotechnology, Volume 135, Issue 3, 30 June 2008, Pages 247-254


YL Tutterrow, M Avril, K Singh, et al.

High Levels of Antibodies to Multiple Domains and Strains of VAR2CSA Correlate with Absence of Placental Malaria in Cameroonian Women Living in a High Plasmodium falciparum Transmission Area

Infection and Immunity, 2012


Lindholt, J. S., Madsen, M., Kirketerp-Møller, K. L., Schlosser, A., Kristensen, K. L., Andersen, C. B., & Sorensen, G. L.

High plasma microfibrillar-associated protein 4 is associated with reduced surgical repair in abdominal aortic aneurysms

Journal of Vascular Surgery, November 2019


Zhirong Fu, Michael Thorpe, Rahel Alemayehu, Ananya Roy, Jukka Kervinen, Lawrence de Garavilla, Magnus Åbrink, Lars Hellman

Highly Selective Cleavage of Cytokines and Chemokines by the Human Mast Cell Chymase and Neutrophil Cathepsin G

J Immunol, January 2017, 1601223


Emma Renman, Rifat Ekici, Mia Sundström & Kristina Lejon

HSC70 is a novel binding partner involved in the capture of immunoglobulins on B cells in the NOD mouse

Autoimmunity, Volume 56, August 2022


Isabella M. Y. Zanini, Charlotte Soneson, Luca E. Lorenzi & Claus M. Azzalin

Human Cactin interacts with DHX8 and SRRM2 to assure efficient pre-mRNA splicing and sister chromatid cohesion

Cell Sci., December 2016


Lene Udby, Anders H. Johnsen, Niels Borregaard

Human CRISP-3 binds serum a1B-glycoprotein across species

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) – General Subjects, April 2010, Vol. 1800, Issue 4, pp. 481-485


Xue-hai Liang, Hong Sun, Wen Shen and Stanley T. Crooke

Identification and characterization of intracellular proteins that bind oligonucleotides with phosphorothioate linkages

Nucleic Acids Research, February 2015


Christoffer A Hagemann et al.

Identification and metabolic profiling of a novel human gut-derived LEAP2 fragment

The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, dgaa803, November 2020


TP Schmidt, AM Perna, T Fugmann, M Böhm, J Hiss, S Haller, C Götz, N Tegtmeyer, B Hoy, TT Rau, D Neri, S Backert, G Schneider, S Wesslerb

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