
ELISA reagent characterization using advanced LC-MS methods

August 2023, by Ejvind Mortz

HCP-ELISA reagent characterization using LC-MS

The most frequent challenges of HCP-ELISA's - and how to solve them 

Our observation from running a vast number of projects is that frequent challenges in ELISAs are:

❌ Low HCP coverage.
❌ Not measuring abundant HCPs.
❌ Lack of dilutional linearity.
❌ Different HCP values when using new reagents.

Unfortunately, simple 2D PAGE analysis cannot help solve these challenges. You need higher-resolution analytical methods like advanced LC-MS techniques.

  • LC-MS-based ELISA reagent characterization enables a detailed understanding of the HCP-ELISA reagents and their suitability to the specific manufacturing process and purified drug substance.
  • It also enables bridging between ELISA reagents and explains differences in HCP measurements between old and new reagents.

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