
Q&A with CMC executive Bryant McLaughlin

February 2024 by Bryant McLaughlin and Thomas Kofoed

Bryant McLaughlin is an industry CMC expert with 15 years of experience in process optimization and IND documentation.

Get his input on your concerns and queries on the power of MS-based host cell protein analysis:

🦠Navigate FDA guidelines confidently: Learn about Bryant's experience with the FDA's - and EMA's stance on Mass Spectrometry (MS)-based HCP analysis. Understand how the technology aligns with regulatory expectations, ensuring your strategies are advanced and compliant.

🦠 Learn from real-world experience: Discover how Bryant has utilized MS-based HCP analysis to overcome challenges similar to those you might be facing.

🦠 Explore the comparative value of MS-based analysis: Delve into how MS-based HCP analysis complements traditional methods like ELISAs, including using MS for ELISA HCP antibody coverage determination.

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Whatever protein-related challenge or question you may have, we would love to help. Our experts can help you decide on the best analytical approach for your project by email or online meeting - providing advice without obligation.

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