
Ensure process efficiency and consistency using data from 500+ projects of MS-based HCP analysis

July 2024, by Ejvind Mortz and Victor Chrone

Victor Chrone, Bioinformatics Scientist, Alphalyse
Ejvind Mortz, COO and Co-founder, Alphalyse

Get the first look at our groundbreaking new HCP database!
It is already in use for answering CMC questions such as:

  • Can my assay detect specific high-risk HCPs?
  • Are problematic HCPs found in drugs similar to mine – at what levels?

In this webinar, we share client cases showing how our database can compare HCP levels and HCP profiles between projects – and quickly confirm how often we have found specific HCPs relevant to the project.

It is possible because our bioinformaticians have curated data on 40,151 quantified Host Cell Proteins (HCPs) from 500+ client projects analyzed by our LC-MS experts. Since we produce all data with the same setup and set of protein standards – unlike ELISAs – we can compare data across projects, over time, and between batches with extremely high precision.

Our data collection covers mAbs, recombinant proteins, vaccines, and gene therapy products from 49 different host cell organisms and viral vectors, such as CHO, E. coli, HEK, Sf9, AAV, and Lentivirus.

You will also see how we use the database for our highly detailed quality control tools capable of monitoring 200+ parameters in real-time. Combined with artificial intelligence (AI), we can

  • instantly detect deviations
  • ensure the consistency and quality of the MS results

Talk to us

Whatever protein-related challenge or question you may have, we would love to help. Our experts can help you decide on the best analytical approach for your project by email or online meeting - providing advice without obligation.

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